23 Top Unroll Me Alternative Options for a Clutter-Free Inbox

Inbox Zapper
September 5, 2024

Every Gmail user has faced the problem of a cluttered inbox, especially when it comes to endless subscription emails. For example, one day you might sign up for a newsletter, and the next day you have 10 emails from that one subscription alone. With every passing week, this number only gets worse. To make matters worse, these emails don't just clutter your inbox. They can also affect your productivity and your ability to find important emails. So, how to clean up emails in Gmail? You could manually open each email and look for the unsubscribe link. Or you could use a tool like Unroll Me to help you clean up your inbox. But what if you want to find a less invasive alternative? This article will explore some effective Unroll Me alternatives to help you declutter your Gmail inbox.

One of the best alternatives is Inbox Zapper. This Gmail cleanup tool can help you reach your goals quickly and effectively. 

What Is Unroll.me and What Does It Do?

Spam Email on Mobile - Unroll Me Alternative

Unroll.me is a powerful tool that helps you unsubscribe from unwanted emails and keep your inbox clutter-free. However, this popular service's track record regarding respecting user privacy is questionable. In 2017, a New York Times report exposed the company’s privacy practices and showed how it shared user data with Uber. 

What Are the Features of Unroll.me?  

The main purpose of Unroll.me is to help users declutter their inboxes by managing unwanted email subscriptions. When you sign up for the service, Unroll.me scans your inbox for subscription emails. Then it gives you the option to unsubscribe from any of the unwanted emails. You can delete the unwanted emails or roll them up into a single digest. 

The Unroll.me rollup feature helps you organize your subscription emails. After you declutter your inbox by unsubscribing from unwanted emails, you can:

  • Either delete the unwanted emails or roll them up into a single digest. 
  • It helps you organize your subscription emails. 
  • Creates a single digest of any subscription emails you want to keep.

This way, you can still receive the emails you want without them clogging your inbox. You can customize the Rollup digest to your preferences, such as how often it is sent (daily, weekly, etc.).  

What Are the Controversies Surrounding Unroll.me?  

The Unroll.me controversy erupted two years ago when it was discovered that the popular email cleanup tool collected information on user purchases and handed it over to its parent company, Slice Technologies, to sell as part of an analytics tool. Specifically, Unroll.me was caught receipt of sale data to Uber so the ride-hailing service could better target customers who might be using its competitor Lyft more often.  

Public Relations Blunder After Email Controversy

It didn’t go over well, especially after the CEO said he was heartbroken “to see that some of our users were upset to learn about how we monetize our free service” and a former Unroll.me co-founder admonished critics for supposedly being dumb enough to think Unroll.me was doing anything but collecting user data to monetize its free email service.  

FTC Investigation Focuses on Earlier Actions

Interestingly, the target of the FTC’s investigation was not Unroll.me’s response to the email controversy in 2017 or its behavior after that, but a series of actions it took a year prior that were only later uncovered after the controversy gained the attention of regulators.   

Unroll.me Accused of Deceptive Practices in User Opt-In Process

According to the FTC, after some Unroll.me users declined to give the company permission to their email inbox starting around November 2015, the company engaged in a campaign to win those users back with a series of messages, one of which read, “Don’t worry, this is just to watch for those pesky newsletters. We’ll never touch your personal stuff.” Unroll.me engaged in what the FTC calls deceptive behavior until October 2016.  

FTC Announces Settlement and Public Comment Period

The message did not tell users that access to their inboxes would also be used to collect e-receipts and to sell the purchase information they contain,” reads the FTC’s press release. “The complaint alleges that thousands of consumers changed their minds and signed up for Unroll.me in response to these assurances.” The FTC says it will publish a description of the agreement to the Federal Register and that the agreement will be subject to public comment for 30 days after publication. The FTC will then decide whether to finalize the proposed consent order.  

Related Reading

How to Remove Unroll.me From Your Device

Hacker Using Computer - Unroll Me Alternative

If you want to stop Unroll.me from accessing your email, the first step is to remove the app from your email account. Unroll.me will keep all your data intact even if you delete the app. So, to cut ties with the service, you must remove its access from your email account. 

Here's how to do this with Gmail:
1. In your Gmail account, click on your profile photo in the upper right corner.
2. Select Manage your Google Account.
3. In the menu on the left, click Security.
4. Scroll down to the Third-party apps section with account access and click Manage access.
5. Locate Unroll.me in the open panel and click the trash can icon to remove it from your account. 

Delete Your Unroll.me Account

You should go to Unroll.me’s site and log in. You will find an expanded menu with settings and logout options in the corner. Under settings, down at the bottom, there’s a “delete my account” link. It’s pretty small since they don’t want you to click it accidentally, but you can definitely click it on purpose. Just go ahead and do so. 

Stop Unroll.me Emails for Good

Thankfully, there are many alternatives to Unroll.me that aren’t stealing your data. Or, if they are, they’re a lot more covert about it. Here’s how you can stop Unroll Me emails for good. 

How to Stop Unroll Me Emails on Mobile

Got Unroll Me on your Android or Apple device? You can unsubscribe from their mailings straight from the app.

Here’s how:
1. Log into the Unroll Me app.
2. Go to Settings.
3. Go to Rollup Preferences.
4. Scroll down and click the Deactivate Rollup button.

This option deactivates your Unroll Me account. Since the service sends many different types of messages, you may still receive some emails from them. However, you cannot change your email preferences in the user account. 

How to Stop Emails from Unroll Me in a Browser

Like using the Unroll Me app, you can deactivate your account using your web browser.

1. Log into your Unroll Me account.
2. Go to Settings.
3. Scroll down and click Deactivate Rollup.

There’s no way to update your email preferences in your user account. Deactivating your service will help you stop unwanted messages, along with other options we’ll explore later.

23 Top Unroll Me Alternative Options for a Clutter-Free Inbox

Person Using Two Laptops - Unroll Me Alternative

1. Inbox Zapper: The One-Click Wonder for Email Cleanup

Inbox Zapper is the Gmail cleanup tool that works. With one click, Inbox Zapper allows you to:

  • Mass unsubscribe from emails and newsletters
  • Mass delete emails
  • Scans your inbox for unwanted emails and lists
  • None of your email data ever leaves your device, preserving complete privacy. 

Inbox Zapper was designed with privacy in mind from day one. Other tools resell your data; we just help you clean your inbox. Join 15,687 people who have used Inbox Zapper to clean 28,384,924 emails. For now, Inbox Zero only supports Gmail, but we will expand to other email services soon. Inbox Zapper is the easiest way to clean your Gmail inbox. 

Try Inbox Zapper's Gmail cleanup tool for free today to clean up your Gmail inbox with one click.

2. Trimbox: Unsubscribe from Unwanted Emails with Ease

Trimbox is a game-changer when it comes to managing unwanted emails. With just one click, this service allows you to effortlessly unsubscribe from email lists and eliminate those pesky newsletters cluttering your inbox. Your email data never leaves your device, ensuring your privacy is protected.

One of Trimbox's standout features is its ability to scan your inbox and identify email lists and unwanted emails. This saves you valuable time and effort that would otherwise be spent manually unsubscribing from each list individually. With Trimbox, you can say goodbye to the tedious task of searching for the unsubscribe button buried in those long and often confusing emails.

3. Mailstrom: The Best Tool for Reducing Email Clutter

If you find yourself drowning in a sea of unwanted emails, Mailstrom is here to rescue you. This powerful email management tool offers a range of features that will help you quickly clean up your inbox and regain control over your email flow.

One of Mailstrom's standout features is its ability to unsubscribe and delete thousands of unwanted emails with just a few clicks. No more wasting precious time manually unsubscribing from countless mailing lists. Mailstrom streamlines the process, allowing you to declutter your inbox quickly and efficiently.

4. Clean Email: Smart Suggestions for Inbox Cleanup

This email management tool offers a range of features designed to help you organize and remove unwanted emails, making it easier to stay on top of your email game. One of the standout features of Clean Email Inbox is its email cleaning suggestions. This feature analyzes your inbox and provides recommendations on which emails you should consider:

  • Deleting
  • Archiving
  • Unsubscribing

It takes the guesswork out of email management, saving time and effort.

5. SaneBox: An Email Management Tool That Works Smarter

If you're looking for an email management tool that takes organization and productivity to the next level, look no further than SaneBox. This powerful tool utilizes artificial intelligence to help you declutter your inbox and focus on the emails that truly matter.

One of SaneBox's standout features is its ability to automatically identify essential emails. With its AI-powered algorithms, SaneBox learns from your email behavior and intelligently filters incoming messages. It separates important emails from the noise, allowing you to prioritize your attention and focus on what's truly important.

6. Mailbird: The Ultimate Unified Email Client

If you're managing multiple email accounts and need help keeping up with the influx of messages, Mailbird is here to simplify your email management. This powerful email client brings all your accounts together in one place, offering a range of features to enhance productivity and streamline your email experience.

One of Mailbird's standout features is its unified inbox. With Mailbird, you can view and manage all your email accounts in a single interface, eliminating the need to switch between different platforms or browser tabs. This saves you time and lets you stay organized by having a consolidated view of your emails.

7. Leave Me Alone: Easily Unsubscribe from Unwanted Emails

A great alternative to Unroll.me is Leave Me Alone. With this website, you can easily unsubscribe from unwanted emails. You’ll have to create an account on Leave Me Alone to use this service. Through the free tier, you get a total of 5 unsubscriptions. You’ll have to pay:

  • $2.5 for 50 unsubscribes
  • $9.9/month for 50 unsubscribes per month
  • $16/month for 200 unsubscribes per month

8. Unlistr for Outlook: A Dedicated Tool for Unsubscribing

If you’re looking for a tool built especially for Outlook, Unlistr should be your pick. The service will scan your inbox for spammy emails and list them all for you. All you have to do is click on the Unsubscribe button. With the free trial of Unlistr, you can only unsubscribe from up to 5 mailing lists. You’ll have to pay $19.99 annually to gain complete Unlistr access.

9. Polymail Unsubscriber: An Easy Unsubscribing Tool

Polymail’s Unsubscriber tool is another option if you’re looking for an easy solution to unsubscribe from emails. For those who don’t know, Polymail is an email client for PC. You can quickly eliminate unwanted email subscriptions using the built-in Unsubscriber tool in Polymail. It is one of the best alternatives to Unroll.me as it allows you to manage your emails from the app.

10. Cleanfox: A Third-Party Email Cleanup Solution

Another third-party solution that might come in handy is Cleanfox. Like other services on this list, you’ll have to link your email account to access and use the service. From Cleanfox’s homepage, you can either delete an unwanted email or delete and unsubscribe from the sender. It is a neat website that helps you declutter your email inbox and can easily replace Unroll.me in your workflow.

11. GoodByEmail: The Privacy-Focused Email Unsubscriber

GoodByEmail is the email solution that productivity has been waiting for! Professionals everywhere will appreciate this artificial intelligence-driven platform's convenience and power. Its feature set makes it easy to identify large-scale email senders, including the emails they’ve sent the customer and the amount of storage space they consume.

With this information, customers can quickly and easily unsubscribe from unwanted mailing lists, eliminating annoying inbox clutter and creating more storage space in no time flat. Customers can trust that the secure AI engine meticulously sorts and identifies which senders contribute to the messiest inbox quotas.

12. InboxPurge: A Privacy-Focused Gmail Cleanup Tool

InboxPurge is a browser extension that helps you clean your Gmail by letting you mass unsubscribe from unwanted emails, delete many emails at once, and manage your email subscriptions. It is very easy to use and can greatly help you clean up your Gmail quickly. What makes InboxPurge the best email cleaner for Gmail is its privacy-focused approach. Your email data never leaves your device; all interactions with Gmail happen locally on your device.

13. Superhuman: A Fast, Powerful Gmail Experience

With Superhuman, you can fly through your email twice as fast as before, reply two days sooner, and save more than four hours every single week. Superhuman allows you to organize your inbox and unsubscribe from unnecessary emails. With Split Inbox, you can triage your inbox and sort your emails to make it easier to focus on what matters.

14. Triage: A Unique Approach to Email Management and Cleanup

Triage is unique in the way it allows you to clean your inbox. It stacks up your unread emails as a pile of cards. Swiping left archives the email, swiping right keeps it and tapping on it expands it. It helps you stick to the concept of inbox zero. One downside is that their app is only available on iOS.

15. Edison Mail: An Email Assistant with Cleanup Features

Edison Mail offers an AI-based assistant that categorizes all your emails in its email app. The email cleaner app has a widget that provides a carousel for suggested unsubscribes.

16. AgainstData.com: A Privacy-Focused Email Cleaner

AgainstData.com is an unparalleled tool dedicated to privacy. It helps users clean their inboxes, easily unsubscribe from unwanted emails, and request companies to delete their data.

17. Shortwave: A Gmail Cleanup Tool That Promises to Save You Time

If you are a Gmail user, Shortwave is a great option for those who need to declutter their inbox. The app developers boast that Shortwave will help users save an hour daily when reading and writing emails. Shortwave offers an easy-to-operate, one-click unsubscribe feature.

All you have to do is set up your Gmail account with Shortwave and select a message you want to opt out of. You can click on the three dots to see all the available actions for the message, one of which will be Unsubscribe. It’s that simple!

18. Hiver: A Customer Support Tool That Helps You Clean Your Inbox

Hiver is a Gmail and Outlook-based customer support tool. One of its standout features is Harvey, Hiver’s AI assistant, which makes cleaning up your customer support inbox simpler and more efficient. Harvey is particularly good at dealing with those little tasks that can pile up and clutter your inbox.

For example, after you’ve resolved a customer query and closed the conversation, it’s not uncommon for the customer to send a quick thank you email. While it’s a nice gesture, this can reopen the conversation unnecessarily, adding to the clutter and potentially skewing important metrics like your Average Resolution Time.

19. Spark Mail: An Email Client That Focuses on What Matters

Spark Mail makes prioritizing emails in your inbox easier by highlighting the most important contacts and messages. With features like Priority and Pin, you can ensure that the most critical emails are the ones you see first. The ‘Group by Sender’ function further streamlines your inbox, allowing you to see and manage emails from specific contacts quickly.

20. Astro: An AI Email Cleaner and Manager

Astro is an all-in-one AI email cleaner and manager. It has a built-in chatbot called Astrobot that interacts with you to help manage your inbox. Astrobot can suggest which emails you might want to unsubscribe from, identify which contacts are most important to you, and even recommend what to save. The app is supported by Gmail and Office 365 so, it’s compatible with the most commonly used email providers.

21. Sortd: A Unique, Visual Way to Manage Email and Tasks

Sortd is a software that combines email and task management in a natural and intuitive way. Sortd overlays a column-based, board-like interface onto your Gmail. Imagine turning your inbox into a flexible set of lists where you can drag and drop emails based on your:

  • Projects
  • Priorities
  • Stages of task completion

It’s still Gmail, but now it’s organized in a way that helps you manage both emails and tasks in one place.

22. LockerMail: A Pre-Filtering Tool for Inbox Management

Another simple yet effective tool, LockerMail, pre-filters the mail in your inbox. It works by signing up with your usual email address as a destination for the mail. The tool then generates a ‘lockerMail’ email address for you to use when making an online purchase or signing up for newsletters.

You can add other email addresses to connect to the tool and direct which inbox you’d like the mail to go to. You can filter to only mail and block any senders you want to stop receiving communication from, such as:

  • Receiving order confirmations
  • Discount emails
  • Delivery updates

23. Mail Sweeper: The Robot Janitor for Your Inbox

Mail Sweeper is like a robot janitor for your inbox. Unimportant emails are collected into your “Dustpan” and periodically moved to the trash. This helps conserve email storage space and avoid paying for extra Gmail storage.

Installation only takes a few minutes: 

  • Login
  • Answer a few questions
  • Click “Install

Unlike some of the other products on this list, Mail Sweeper isn’t a subscription. With just a small one-time payment, Mail Sweeper will keep your inbox tidy forever.

Related Reading

Complete Step-by-Step Guide On How To Use Inbox Zapper to Clean Your Inbox

Person Using Sticky Notes - Unroll Me Alternative

Inbox Zapper is the Gmail cleanup tool that works. With one click, Inbox Zapper allows you to:

  • Mass unsubscribe from emails and newsletters
  • Mass delete emails
  • Scans your inbox for unwanted emails and lists
  • None of your email data ever leaves your device, preserving complete privacy.

Inbox Zapper was designed with privacy in mind from day one. Other tools resell your data; we just help you clean your inbox. Join 15,687 people who have used Inbox Zapper to clean 28,384,924 emails. For now, Inbox Zero only supports Gmail, but we will expand to other email services soon. Inbox Zapper is the easiest way to clean your Gmail inbox.

Try Inbox Zapper's Gmail cleanup tool for free today to clean up your Gmail inbox with one click.

4 Major Benefits of Using Third-Party Email Cleaning Tools

Email Inbox - Unroll Me Alternative

1. Save Time and Boost Productivity:  Automate Email Management

Imagine how much time you could save if you didn’t have to sift through hundreds of emails daily. AI email cleaning tools automate the tedious tasks of:

  • Sorting
  • Categorizing
  • Deleting emails

This frees up your time to focus on more important things. With a cleaner inbox, you can find what you need faster and spend less time managing emails. 

2. Improve Email Organization:  Streamline Your Inbox

AI tools excel at organizing your emails in ways that make sense to you. They can automatically sort emails into categories like:

  • Primary
  • Social
  • Promotions
  • Updates

3. Enhanced Security and Spam Protection:  Keep Your Inbox Safe

One of the standout features of AI email cleaning tools is their ability to detect and filter out spam and phishing emails. By keeping unwanted and potentially harmful emails out of your inbox, these tools keep your inbox secure and protect you from scams and malware.

4. Customizable and Adaptive: A Tool That Learns

AI email cleaning tools learn from your behavior and preferences over time. The more you use them, the better they understand what’s important to you and how you organize your emails. 

How to Choose the Right Email Cleaning Tool

People Discussing - Unroll Me Alternative

Identify Your Needs

  • What’s bothering you the most about your inbox? 
  • Are you overwhelmed by spam? 
  • Do you need help organizing your emails into categories? 
  • Or maybe you’re looking for features like scheduling and snoozing emails.

Understanding your specific needs will help you narrow down your options.


Make sure the tool you choose is compatible with your email provider. Some tools work seamlessly with popular providers like Gmail and Outlook, while others may have limited compatibility. Double-check whether or not the tool supports your email platform.

User Interface

A user-friendly interface can greatly affect how effectively you use the tool. Look for a tool with an intuitive design that makes it easy to navigate and manage your emails. You don’t want to spend more time figuring out the tool than using it to clean your inbox.


Different tools offer different features, so knowing which ones are most important to you is essential. Some key features to consider include:

  • Spam Filtering: Keeps unwanted emails out of your inbox. 
  • Categorization: Automatically sorts emails into folders. 
  • Unsubscribe: Easily unsubscribe from newsletters. 
  • Reminders: Set follow-up reminders for essential emails. 
  • Bulk Actions: Delete or archive multiple emails at once.

Choose a tool that offers the features that will make your email management easier and more efficient.


When choosing an email cleaning tool, consider your budget. Evaluate the features and benefits to determine if the cost aligns with your needs and budget.

Reviews and Testimonials

Check out reviews and testimonials from other users to get a sense of the tool’s effectiveness and reliability. Real-world feedback can provide valuable insights into how well the tool works and any potential drawbacks.


When using a platform to organize your email workflow, the last thing anyone wants is for it to overcomplicate the situation even more. That’s why I needed to find the most efficient and simple-to-use tool available.

Compatibility with Major Email Providers

Most of the tools on my list support major email providers such as Gmail inbox, Outlook, and iCloud. They allow you to connect your mailbox by simply signing up using your email address on their website; there is no need to download any extensions to your desktop.

Some tools in this article also offer apps for iOS and Android, allowing you to conveniently clean up your mailbox via your smartphone or tablet.

Scanning Your Inbox for Effective Cleanup

I think this is a bonus for initial setup, as you have to let the tool scan your emails. If you have a lot like me, this can take a while (but it's worth it overall).

Resources and Support

If you need assistance when getting started or using the clean-up tool, all of the tools on my list offer help through articles or videos on each feature which I found useful to refer to throughout the process.


When I decided to use an email clean-up tool, I was focused on ensuring that the content of my emails, attachments, and personal data wasn’t shared outside the server.

I was impressed that privacy and security were listed at the top of most of the tool’s features on my list and reassured that most of the time, the only person reading my emails would be me. Instead, most of the tools scan information such as:

  • Subject line
  • Sender
  • Date
  • Time

Although some tools might need your email password or OAuth token, these are encrypted for maximum security. There is one tool in my list that, to keep it free, sells data for statistical purposes. This was disappointing, but as there were plenty more tools to choose from, this wasn’t a hindrance.

Mailbox Cleanse

Getting rid of emails from over three years ago, out-of-date newsletters that were sat unopened, and any leftover spam or junk mail was not only highly satisfying but helped clear my workspace, only leaving relevant communication that I needed to refer to or action in the future. As a marketer, this has made me mindful when targeting my audience with email campaigns to ensure that the subject lines are intriguing and don’t trigger spam filters.

Using email marketing software helps you track which emails are best received by your audience, but you can find out more in our guide on how to find the best email marketing software for your business. The ability to cleanse your mailbox is also great if you’re reaching your storage limit, especially when you receive emails with large file attachments like I do. This detox motivates you to keep your mailbox clean and organized.

Inbox Organization

Sorting the spam from the genuine and filtering your emails into specific folders is really what we’re here for when connecting an email cleaner tool to our mailboxes. Most of the tools on my list have presets or predefined filters relating to common kinds of emails a user like you or I might receive, for example:

  • Newsletters
  • CC’d emails
  • Spam from accounts with a sketchy sender reputation.

Most of these are customizable so that you can manage your mailbox. Streamlining the emails into organized, logical folders saves time and maximizes your workflow, allowing you to concentrate on what’s important or relevant to your current projects. I find this particularly proactive and rewarding as I prioritize my time for my creative work rather than constantly admin.


Like various business, marketing, and organizational programs, most email cleaner tools have a pricing system in place, especially when they offer more than just mailbox cleaning. They’re usually tiered with a basic, standard, and pro approach, offering different features and several account connections.

How much you pay depends on how organized you want to be and how many people within your team will be involved if you use it for business. I’d suggest starting with the free trial, seeing how many features you benefit from using and basing your price plan on that.

Related Reading

Clean Up Your Inbox With One-Click with Inbox Zapper's Gmail Cleanup Tool for Free Today

Cleaning up your Gmail inbox is a lot like decluttering your home. As time goes on, you accumulate a lot of stuff you don't need, and it can be overwhelming to figure out what to get rid of, and how to do it.  On top of that, it's all too easy to get distracted while you're cleaning your inbox. 

Overwhelming Task of Managing a Cluttered Gmail Inbox

One minute, you're looking for a specific email, and the next, you've opened it, read it, and clicked on a link that takes you to yet another email rabbit hole. What started as a simple task has now turned into hours of wasted time, and you still need to get closer to your goal. You're not alone if you're feeling stressed out just thinking about cleaning your Gmail inbox. 

Your Solution for Efficient Email Cleanup

Fortunately, there's a powerful tool that can help you tidy up your email with the utmost efficiency.  Inbox Zapper is the Gmail cleanup tool that works. With one click, Inbox Zapper allows you to:

  • Mass unsubscribe from emails and newsletters
  • Mass delete emails
  • Scans your inbox for unwanted emails and lists
  • None of your email data ever leaves your device, preserving complete privacy.

Inbox Zapper was designed with privacy in mind from day one. Other tools resell your data; we just help you clean your inbox. Join 15,687 people who have used Inbox Zapper to clean 28,384,924 emails. For now, Inbox Zero only supports Gmail, but we will expand to other email services soon. Inbox Zapper is the easiest way to clean your Gmail inbox. 

Try Inbox Zapper's Gmail cleanup tool for free today to clean up your Gmail inbox with one click.

📬 😩

Get Inbox Zapper