Complete Step-By-Step on Guide How to Auto Delete Emails in Gmail

Inbox Zapper
September 5, 2024

Your Gmail inbox needs to be fixed. You wanted to stay on top of your emails, but now you have over 18,000 unread messages. You want to clear your Gmail inbox, but the task feels overwhelming. You also feel like you’ll lose important emails if you start deleting messages. If you can relate to this scenario, you’ll benefit from learning how to clean up emails in Gmail. This article will teach you about auto-deleting emails in Gmail and how to set up filters to delete emails automatically. You’ll clear out your inbox without lifting a finger and get back to important messages you want to read.

One valuable tool to help you achieve your email goals is Inbox Zapper’s Gmail cleanup tool. This tool quickly identifies and removes unwanted emails from your Gmail account. It can help you efficiently auto-delete emails in Gmail to get your inbox back to a manageable size.

Why Auto Delete Emails In Gmail?

students on a laptop - How to Auto Delete Emails in Gmail

Cleaning up your Gmail inbox can help speed up your workflow and reduce stress. Deleting old emails can be a pain, especially if you have thousands of them. Setting up auto-delete helps you avoid this tedious task by automatically removing emails based on your preferences. 

For example, you can create a rule to delete promotional emails older than 30 days, so you won’t have to look at them again. This will help remove clutter from your inbox and allow you to focus on more important messages.

Improve Your Privacy and Security With Auto-Delete Features

Emails can contain sensitive information, such as:

  • Bank account numbers
  • Social security information
  • Other personal data 

That can be used to steal your identity. If you receive a message with this information, auto-deleting it quickly can help improve your privacy and security. Setting a rule to remove such emails after 30 days can help protect you from falling victim to a cyberattack. 

Stay Compliant With Company Policies and Legal Requirements

Auto-deleting emails can help you comply with company policies and legal requirements if you manage a business or organization. Depending on your industry, you may be required to follow specific regulations governing how long it takes to retain electronic communications like email. Setting up auto-delete rules in Gmail to comply with these regulations can reduce your risk of penalties and litigation. 

Streamline Your Email Workflow to Improve Efficiency

Cleaning up your Gmail inbox can help speed up your workflow and reduce stress. Deleting old emails can be a pain, especially if you have thousands of them. Setting up auto-delete helps you avoid this tedious task by automatically removing emails based on your preferences. 

For example, you can create a rule to delete promotional emails that are older than 30 days so you won’t have to look at them again. This will help remove clutter from your inbox and allow you to focus on more critical messages.

Can I Set My Gmail to Delete Emails Automatically?

woman on a desktop - How to Auto Delete Emails in Gmail

If you're overwhelmed by the sheer volume of emails in your Gmail inbox, you're not alone. Inbox clutter can make it difficult to find important emails and stay organized. Thankfully, Gmail offers built-in tools to help you automatically delete unwanted emails and clean up your inbox. 

Set Up Gmail Filters to Auto-Delete Emails

Gmail filters and settings can create rules for specific types of emails to be deleted automatically. To auto-delete emails in Gmail, you'll need to create a filter. Here's how to do it:

Steps to Automatically Delete Emails in Gmail

1. Log into Gmail: Open your web browser and sign in.
2. Access Settings: Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner, then select "See all settings."
3. Navigate to Filters: Go to the "Filters and Blocked Addresses" tab.
4. Create a New Filter: Click "Create a new filter."
5. Set Your Criteria: In the "Has the words" field, you can enter specific keywords or use commands like older_than:1y to target emails older than one year. You can also combine multiple criteria using logical operators (AND, OR).
6. Create the Filter: Click "Create filter" after setting your criteria.
7. Choose Deletion Option: In the next window, check the box that says "Delete it." This will move matching emails to the trash.
8. Apply to Existing Emails (Optional): You can also select the option to apply this filter to existing emails that match the criteria.
9. Finalize the Filter: Click "Create filter" again to save your settings.

Important Notes

  • Mobile App Limitation: The Gmail mobile app does not support creating filters directly. You must use the web version to set up auto-deletion.
  • Emails in Trash: Deleted emails will go to the trash folder and remain there for 30 days before being permanently deleted.

Related Reading

Are There Any Third-Party Tools to Auto-Delete Emails in Gmail?

man working on a laptop - How to Auto Delete Emails in Gmail

While Gmail's built-in cleaning tools are effective, third-party Gmail inbox cleaners offer additional features and functionalities to enhance your inbox management experience. These tools can provide advanced automation options, intelligent categorization, and more. 

The Benefits of Upgrading to a Third-Party Tool

1. Advanced Automation 

Third-party Gmail inbox cleaners often offer more advanced automation options than the built-in tools. They allow you to create complex rules and filters to automatically categorize, label, archive, or delete emails based on various criteria.

2. Intelligent Categorization

Some third-party tools utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to categorize your emails intelligently. They can automatically sort emails into different folders or labels based on their content, sender, or importance, making it easier for you to locate and prioritize important messages.

3. Enhanced Search and Organization

Third-party tools often have powerful search and organization features beyond what Gmail offers. They provide advanced search capabilities, such as searching by attachments, specific time frames, or keywords, helping you quickly find the emails you need.

4. Unsubscribe and Email Management

Many third-party Gmail inbox cleaners have features to help you manage your subscriptions and unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters or promotional emails. They can scan your inbox for subscription emails and provide an easy way to opt-out or unsubscribe, reducing inbox clutter.

The Best Third-Party Tools for Gmail Inbox Cleaning

Here are some highly regarded third-party Gmail inbox cleaners that can revolutionize your inbox management:

Inbox Zapper 

Inbox Zapper is a Gmail cleanup tool designed for efficiency. It allows you to unsubscribe from emails and newsletters and mass delete emails with one click. Inbox Zapper scans your inbox for email lists and unwanted emails. None of your email data ever leaves your device, preserving complete privacy. 

Inbox Zapper was designed with privacy in mind from day one. Other tools resell your data; we just help you clean your inbox. Join 15,687 people who have used Inbox Zapper to clean 28,384,924 emails. Inbox Zapper only supports Gmail, but we will also expand to other email services. Inbox Zapper is the easiest way to clean your Gmail inbox. 

Try Inbox Zapper's Gmail cleanup tool for free today to clean up your Gmail inbox with one click.

Clean Email

Clean Email offers powerful automation features. It allows you to set up advanced rules and filters to organize your inbox. It also provides an unsubscribe feature and the ability to merge or remove duplicate emails.


SaneBox uses advanced algorithms to prioritize and categorize your emails automatically. It offers features like:

  • Snoozing emails
  • Reminders
  • Ability to defer non-urgent emails later


Mailstrom provides an intuitive interface to help you quickly identify and clean up large volumes of emails. It offers features like:


Unroll.Me focus on managing subscription emails. It scans your inbox for subscriptions and provides an easy way to unsubscribe or roll them into a single digest email.

How to Use Third-Party Tools to Clean Up Gmail Emails

To use a third-party Gmail inbox cleaner, follow these general steps:

1. Research and choose a tool that suits your needs and preferences.
2. Sign up for an account with the chosen tool.
3. Grant the necessary permissions and access to your Gmail account.
4. Configure the settings and preferences according to your requirements.
5. Explore the features and options provided by the tool.
6. Customize the automation rules, categorization, or other features to align with your inbox management preferences.

Related Reading

Complete Step-By-Step on Guide How to Auto Delete Emails in Gmail

man working on a laptop - How to Auto Delete Emails in Gmail

1. Get Rid of Unwanted Emails for Good with Auto-Deletion in Gmail

Deleting unwanted emails manually can be a tedious process. Instead of scrolling through your inbox and selecting hundreds of emails at a time to delete, you can set Gmail to delete unwanted emails for you based on specific parameters automatically. 

2. How To Auto Delete Emails In Gmail

There are two simple ways to clear your mailing list in Gmail. The first one is to create Gmail filters to delete incoming emails. You can create a filter from the Gmail search bar or Settings menu.

Email users need to remember one thing. A new filter for auto-deleting emails gets triggered only when new incoming emails arrive. You need to use different Gmail settings to auto-delete the emails in your inbox according to filter criteria. You can filter messages based on a specific sender's email size or address. Filtering emails is also possible based on categories like:

  • Promotional emails
  • Unread emails
  • Archived emails

How to Create a Gmail Auto-Delete Filter for Bulk Emails Older Than 5 Days

Let’s say we want to use the Gmail auto-delete emails feature to delete all bulk emails in our email inbox for over five days. To create a mass-deleting emails filter for this time frame, click on the Settings gear icon in your inbox and choose – Select all settings.

Select the Filters and blocked addresses tab and select Create a filter:

  • It includes the input box, and the word “older_than:5d” is typed without quotation marks. The ‘d’ in the boolean equation stands for days. 
  • Click on Continue after doing this step. You can use ‘m’ for months and ‘y’ for years to set a different time frame per your requirements. Suppose we want to delete emails older than three months. The equation would be “older_than:3m.”
  • In the next window, check the box next to "Delete it." You have now set a filter to auto-delete emails in Gmail for future emails. 
  • To set this filter for existing emails, check the ‘Also apply a filter to matching conversations’ box. Then, click on Create Filter to finish the process. 
  • Refresh the tab. All the email messages that fit the specified filter criteria will be deleted and sent to the Gmail Trash folder. 
  • If they are in the Trash folder, you must delete them manually to ensure they don’t occupy your Google Drive storage space.

If you wish to remove the filter, go back to the Filters and Blocked addresses tab and click the Delete button in front of the filter. That’s the primary way to set the Gmail auto-delete old emails process.

How to Auto Delete Emails Using the Search Bar

If we want to use a shortcut to create an email filter to delete the hundreds of emails regularly added to the list, we can use the search bar. This is a more straightforward solution for auto-deleting emails from Gmail. 

Click on the icon at the right end of the search box to open the mail filter window. Follow the steps in the previous method to set the search parameters and create an email filter. 

How to Re-apply a Filter to Emails

I don’t think you can rest for a while now that you have enabled the Gmail auto-delete old emails feature. You may have to re-apply the filter to future emails, especially for filters including a specific time frame as a criteria. Taking this step is essential to keep your inbox clean at all times:

  • Go to the Settings window and select the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab as in the first method. 
  • Look for the filter you want to re-apply. Then, click the edit button at the right end of it. 
  • In the next window, click Continue. 
  • Check the checkbox. Also, apply a filter to matching conversations and click Update filter. 
  • Now, the emails satisfying the criteria will be moved to Trash.

How To Auto Delete Emails Using Inbox Zapper

In the method we saw previously, you need to know the Gmail search operators better to set the filter criteria to auto-delete emails in Gmail. If you wish to go for a more accessible alternative, you can consider using an add-on like Inbox Zapper

  • Go to the Google Workspace Marketplace and install Inbox Zapper for Gmail.
  • Once the installation is complete, go to your Gmail Google account inbox and click the paper-plane icon for Inbox Zapper on the right sidebar. 
  • Select Email Cleanup from the given options. You must review the permissions for trusting the app to check your Google Data. 
  • Next, you will enter the Inbox Zapper. Click on New Rule. 
  • Once you set the purge rules per your preferences, click the Save button. 
  • You must set the Trash folder as the destination folder for all the multiple emails that fit the criteria. 
  • Select the Run button to apply the rule to the specified folder in your Gmail account.

The Inbox Zapper will launch in the background and run a check once every hour to see if any emails match the rule. You don’t need to manually execute the rule to auto-delete emails in Gmail every time. You need to buy the premium version to create multiple purge rules for mail. 

Filter for Future Deletion (Re-application)

The title of this article is dealing with automatic deletion. Unfortunately, filters cannot be triggered automatically. You must go back and apply the filter to your current inbox. To re-apply a filter: 

  • You can return to your Settings by clicking the Cog icon at the top-right of the Gmail window and selecting Settings from the dropdown menu.
  • Click the Filters tab. Since you’ve already created a filter, you can click Edit next to that filter. 
  • If you’ve previously created multiple filters, you can easily find the one you desire as the criteria for each filter will be displayed. 
  • Click Continue in the section that appears with your search criteria. The screen will resemble the one that appeared when you set up the original filter. 
  • Once again, check the box next to it. Also, apply the filter. 
  • To activate the filter, click Update filter. All of your older emails set to the specified time frame will now be sent to the Trash folder.

How Secure Are Third-Party Tools for Managing Gmail Emails?

man working on a laptop - How to Auto Delete Emails in Gmail

Many users turn to third-party services to help organize their Gmail accounts. Serious security risks are associated with granting these apps access to your emails and personal information. Before you sign up for any service, understand the potential dangers of connecting it to your Gmail account. 

The Importance of Gmail Data Privacy

Protecting your personal information is crucial in today's digital age. With the increasing amount of data breaches and privacy concerns, it is essential to prioritize the security of your Gmail account. By taking proactive measures to safeguard your data, you can minimize the risk of unauthorized access and protect your sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.

To ensure the privacy of your Gmail account, consider implementing the following best practices:

  • Create a strong password: Choose a unique and complex password that combines uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information such as your name or birthdate. 
  • Enable two-factor authentication: Enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your Gmail account. This requires you to provide a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your mobile device and your password.
  • Regularly update your recovery options: Keep your account recovery options up to date, including your alternate email address and phone number. This ensures you can regain access to your account in case of a forgotten password or a compromised account. 

Common Data Privacy Concerns

Users may have a few common concerns about Gmail data privacy. One of the main concerns is the security of personal information stored in Gmail. Users want to protect their emails and attachments from unauthorized access.

Managing Privacy and Data Sharing Concerns in Gmail

Another concern is the use of data for targeted advertising. Gmail scans the content of emails to provide personalized ads, which some users may find intrusive. Understanding how to control and disable personalized ads in Gmail settings is crucial. 

Users may be worried about data sharing with third-party apps. Gmail allows users to connect their accounts with various third-party apps, but reviewing and adjusting privacy settings to limit data sharing is essential. To address these concerns, here are some tips:

  • Regularly review and adjust your Gmail privacy settings to align with your preferences.
  • Disable personalized ads in Gmail settings if you don't want your emails to be used for targeted advertising.
  • Be cautious when connecting your Gmail account with third-party apps and carefully review their privacy policies.

Protecting your Gmail data privacy is essential for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your personal information.

The Appeal of a Clean Inbox Can Cost You

Ever thought about why some email services are free or super cheap? The truth is, they aren't free. You're not paying with money; you're paying with your data.

These companies dig deep into your emails, creating a digital profile of you. While your inbox looks neat, you're setting the stage for annoying ads, potential identity theft, and phishing attacks. 

The Catchy Claims They Make

You've seen the promises:

  • Top-notch security measures: Sounds impressive, but what does it mean? Are they talking about a padlock or a high-end vault?
  • We value your privacy: Nice words, but actions speak louder. Many of these services have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, accessing more data than they should. Some have even become news stories!

The Hidden Risks of These Claims

Encryption claims

These companies will be processing your emails using YOUR credentials (app-specific password, IMAP user/pw, or OAuth tokens) and have access to your data. In most cases, they must store this data in their databases to provide you with unsubscription, read-later/rollups, or email cleaning services. 

Many companies love to use the word encryption,  often referring to encrypting your email data and credentials in their database. But here's the catch: they hold the encryption keys themselves, not you. It's like giving someone a locked diary but leaving the key under the mat. All it takes is one sneaky employee, and your private emails are open. 

Temporary access

Some say they'll only peek into your emails temporarily, but even a quick look can be dangerous. What if there's a leak during that short window? Or what if they decide to keep some data for improvements? 

OAuth and Permissions

OAuth might sound fancy, but it's just a type of access. And just like giving someone a spare key to your house, it can be misused. Some services take this access and run wild, peeking into places they shouldn't. 

For them to clean Gmail, you must grant them gmail.modify permissions, which means they can have full permissions to read and write to ALL your inbox contents. You can read more about these permissions here. 

The Real Price of Data Collection

Data is gold in the digital world. And these services are mining it: 

  • Over-collection: Some services are like digital hoarders, collecting more than they need. And this pile of data is a hacker's paradise. The more they have, the bigger the target on their back.
  • Email access: If they can access your emails, they can see personal information, business secrets, and more. All it takes is one slip-up, and that sensitive information could be leaked or sold. 

Privacy-First: The Real Deal

Privacy-first solutions don't just talk the talk; they walk the walk. Most of them are designed to collect no data at all. GoodByEmail is a good example: by design, it cannot connect to your email provider, so it does not require any intrusive permissions or OAuth tokens, and it can even process your email inbox offline. 

Questions to Ask Before Signing Up for an Email Cleaning Service

Before you jump on the email cleaning bandwagon, take a moment to ask:

  • Am I ok with any of my data being collected? 
  • How can I be sure these companies' privacy claims are true? 
  • What if they outsource part of their operations to people who need access to the data, and how do you ensure that they follow the same security claims? 
  • In cases where they contract third parties to deliver the product, they say they will transfer and share your data necessary to provide or improve features or, where necessary, to comply with applicable law. Are you ok with this? 
  • What if they sell the company and transfer my data to a new entity? Can the new entity be trusted? 
  • Can I trust companies and their employees to have their hearts right? 
  • What are they collecting and why? 
  • How are they protecting my data? 
  • Have they had security issues in the past? 
  • Have you checked their reviews on various places, such as Trustpilot? 

Transform Your Gmail Inbox with Inbox Zapper: The Ultimate Cleanup Tool

Inbox Zapper is a Gmail cleanup tool designed for efficiency. You can unsubscribe from emails and newsletters and mass delete emails with one click. Inbox Zapper scans your inbox for email lists and unwanted emails. None of your email data ever leaves your device, preserving complete privacy. 

Inbox Zapper was designed with privacy in mind from day one. Other tools resell your data; we just help you clean your inbox. Join 15,687 people who have used Inbox Zapper to clean 28,384,924 emails. Inbox Zapper only supports Gmail, but we will also expand to other email services. Inbox Zapper is the easiest way to clean your Gmail inbox. 

Try Inbox Zapper's Gmail cleanup tool for free today to clean up your Gmail inbox with one click.

Related Reading

How Do I Optimize My Gmail Inbox?

gmail app on a phone - How to Auto Delete Emails in Gmail

Filtering and Sorting: Master Your Gmail Inbox with Auto-Deletion Emails in Gmail  

Automatically labeling and sorting emails can help you manage incoming messages efficiently. Use Gmail filters to automate these processes. For example, you can create a filter to automatically label customer feedback or project-related messages so you can find them easily. 

You can filter out and automatically archive messages you want to read later, such as newsletters. Another helpful strategy is flagging emails from VIPs so you can find them quickly. You can even archive notifications to keep them out of your way.  

Automatically Archive Messages You’re Sending  

If you're sending a message in Gmail that you don't want a reply for, you can send and archive all with one click. But first, you have to enable the Send & Archive button in your Gmail settings.  

Mute Irrelevant Email Conversations  

If you're part of a Gmail conversation no longer relevant to you, mute it. Muting keeps future responses to that thread out of your inbox so you can focus on important messages.  

Snooze an Email Until Later  

Snooze confirmation emails with dates and times until exactly when needed. Your email will return to the top of your inbox when you want it to, whether:

  • Tomorrow
  • Next week
  • This evening  

Filter Calendar Invites From Your Inbox  

Are you getting Google Calendar responses you don’t want in your inbox? Let Gmail automatically filter them so you can keep a clean inbox.  

Use Advanced Gmail Filters for Work or School  

There are several useful filters when using Gmail in an organization. You can create a filter to label emails from people outside your organization. You can also label emails from your manager. Another helpful strategy is filtering promotional emails from your inbox.  

Organize Emails in Categories  

You can also organize your emails in categories to help you keep a clean Gmail inbox.  

Move Promotional or Social Emails to Tabs  

Setting up a tabbed inbox is great for people who want to move less relevant emails, such as social updates and promotions, out of their primary inbox. A clean primary inbox helps you focus on what matters. Tabs appear at the top of your inbox, where you can quickly move between them.   

Split Emails into Sections Using Priority Inbox  

When you choose the priority inbox setting, your emails are automatically split into three sections: 

  • Important and unread
  • Starred
  • Everything else 

Add a Label Section to Priority Inbox  

If you choose the priority inbox setting, you can optionally create an additional section based on one of your labels, such as From my manager.   

Create a Separate Inbox for a Label  

You can create a separate inbox based on a label and then add the correct label when you compose or read an email. That way, your email, and the reply automatically go to the correct inbox. To practice the zero inbox method, create an inbox for each of these labels:  

  • Action: Issues that need immediate attention  
  • Follow-up: Issues that need further collaboration  
  • Later: Issues that don't need immediate attention 

Set aside 30 minutes in the morning to triage your inbox. Respond to any email that takes less than 5 minutes and apply the Action label. For everything else, apply the Follow-up or Later label to move it to the appropriate inbox to address later.

Clean Up Your Inbox With One-Click with Inbox Zapper's Gmail Cleanup Tool for Free Today

Inbox Zapper is the Gmail cleanup tool that works. With one click, Inbox Zapper:

  • Mass unsubscribe from emails and newsletters and mass delete emails. 
  • Scans your inbox for unwanted emails and lists. 
  • None of your email data ever leaves your device, preserving complete privacy. 

From day one, Inbox Zapper was designed with privacy in mind. Other tools resell your data; we just help you clean your inbox. 

Join 15,687 people who have used Inbox Zapper to clean 28,384,924 emails. For now, Inbox Zero only supports Gmail, but we will also expand to other email services. Inbox Zapper is the easiest way to clean your Gmail inbox. Try Inbox Zapper's Gmail cleanup tool for free today to clean up your Gmail inbox with one click. 

📬 😩

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